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Mark Babizhayev, Ph.D. (1959-2019)

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Graduated from the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute named after Pirogov, Medico-Biological Faculty as doctor-biophysicist in 1982.

Ph.D. in Biophysics and Pathophysiology at the Moscow Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases, Moscow, Russian Federation in 1988.

Recipient OKA Memorial Award, Yokohama, Japan, 1992.

Grantee International Science Foundation in 1994.

Scientific career:

Worked as Senior Research Investigator at Moscow Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases (RF).

Scientific Consultant to Exsymol SAM, Sedifa Monte Carlo (MC).

Editor-in-Chief of the Prestigeous International peer reviewed Pharmaceutical Journal: Recent Patents on Drug Delivery & Formulation, cited in PubMed. Founder of Innovative Vision Products, Inc., Delaware (USA)

Main Published Articles/ Books:

About 100 published research articles pertaining to age, eyesight and degeneration (clicking here). He had lectured around the world. One notable highlight being the Monte Carlo Antiaging Conference, where His Serene Highness Prince Albert of Monaco took a personal interest in his work.

Dr. Babizhayev's book about the problem of night glare for drivers and how to combat it. Includes details / explanation of how it contributed to Princess Diana's death in 1997. This book can be purchased from Amazon here


Professional achievements:

The development of new ophthalmic, cosmetic and personal care products, in particular the research documenting the effects of n-acetylcarnosine on senile cataract.

The development of the biological mimetics of L-carnosine (resistant to enzymatic hydrolysis molecules) for skin care.

The development of the peptide-based bioactivating antioxidants and their implication for the treatment of age-related disorders, e.g. having components of oxidative stress in their genesis, including ophthalmic disorders, (for example cataract, glaucoma and macular degeneration).

In cooperation with the Japanese pharmaceutical partner, he had patented carnosinase inhibitor technology, as well as non-hydrolyzed carnosine which shows benefits for the fields of wound care, oncology, respiratory disorders and neuroscience.

Dr. Babizhayev developed the nutrition formulas of non-hydrolized carnosine and carcinine supplements offer great opportunities for innovative therapeutic strategies to attenuate naturally accelerated aging and the risk of disease associated with smoking.

Dr. Mark studied the effect of carnosine on various respiratory infections, influenza, virus infections, cough, cold and other diseases, the effect of orally taken carnosine, which has a direct interaction with NO, inhibition of cytotoxic NO-induced pro-inflammatory condition and weakening the action of cytokines and chemokines, which can have a strong effect on inflammatory cells.

Dr. Mark devoted a long time to studying the problem of diabetes, a monograph was written, which is currently being prepared for publication.